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Legionella Testing and Consulting 

JLC has worked for years conducting testing and consulting to real estate clients who are faced with Legionella bacteria issues. Whether the problem be in the domestic water supply or in cooling towers, we have been involved with a variety of projects working closely with the local Departments of Health and with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In recent years, cases of Legionnaires disease in the United States have soared from 1,127 cases in 2000 to 5,166 in 2014 (source: CDC). The bacteria causing this disease, which has approximately a 10% mortality rate, can spread in water systems effecting showers, hot tubs, air conditioning units, cooling towers and decorative fountains. 


JLC works with the buildings affected by:​

  • Preparing an Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) which assesses the type of water system present at a particular location and incorporates the construction history of the building to flag any problem areas.

  • Preparing a water sampling plan to distinguish the type water heating and circulation systems present and any water storage issues at the site.

  • Conducting random sampling of the water supply from the domestic water source at the water main to various distal points throughout the property to get an overview of the water quality present. 

  • Prepare reports by interpreting results of the sample analysis and propose recommendations to building owners and managers.

  • Assisting the property with short and long term remediation plans to bring up water quality standards. 


JLC also works with building maintenance personnel to analyze any potential problems and to recommend preventative measures to help reduce chances of future bacteriological amplifications from occurring.

©2023 by JLC Environmental Consultants, Inc.

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